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Oklahoma City, Tulsa
Outdoor Sloped Concrete Storm Shelter
Outdoor sloped concrete shelters are typically installed outside on your property and are designed with the top of the shelter above the ground with the door sloping down to ground level. Outdoor sloped concrete shelters are still very popular shelter options. Make sure your family is safe when severe weather strikes…
Why Buy An F5 Storm Shelter?
What will you do if a tornado is on a path to hit your home? Where will you go? Only a storm shelter can provide iron clad protection against tornadoes, which are nature’s most violent storms. Many folks believe they can go to the center of their home…
Underground Garage Storm Shelter
Underground garage storm shelters offer safety from severe weather without taking up any space in your garage. All of our storm shelters are rebar reinforced and exceed FEMA standards. We have numerous sizes available to help best suit whatever your families needs might be….
Above Ground Safe Rooms
Having a safe room in your home or small business can help provide “near-absolute protection” for you and your family from injury or death caused by the dangerous forces of extreme winds. We can custom build any size you need. All of our saferooms are made of the strongest steel and have been impact tested at Texas Tech University.
FEMA Article: Taking Shelter From the Storm
A safe room can relieve some of the anxiety created by the threat of an incoming tornado. Our knowledge of tornadoes and their effects is based on substantial meteorological records as well as extensive investigation of damage to buildings from…
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Toll free:1-855-F5Alive
Storm Shelters, Garage Storm Shelters
Underground Shelters, Safe Rooms
F5 Payment Options
We accept cash, check, money order, credit cards: Discover, Visa and Mastercard. Additionally, several credit unions are currently offering low APR loans on storm shelters. See our Financing page for more details.