Fall / Winter Time Storm Shelter Saving Deals

Fall / Winter Time Storm Shelter Saving Deals


Most people don’t know this, but one of the best times to purchase a storm shelter is during the Fall and Winter seasons. One of the main reasons for this is because there are not a lot of long waiting list. You can typically get your storm shelter installed within 2-3 weeks of purchase as opposed to in the Spring and Summer months when the wait could be multiple months. Choosing to purchase a storm shelter now is smart because it guarantees that you will have the shelter when you know you are going to need it, during storm season. Waiting until March to sign up for installation can almost guarantee you the you wont have it until the following years storm season. This can be kind of frustrating.

Another great reason to purchase a storm shelter later on in the year is the savings! Who doesn’t love saving money? Storm shelter demand is obviously a lot lower in November then it is in April or May.
This strongly benefits the customer. Right now, we are taking $200 off any storm shelter or safe room purchase. This deal will not be around in the Spring. Take advantage of the time of the year and get your family prepared for next storm season!

If you are interested in purchasing a storm shelter or if you won one of the many rebate programs going on through out the state then give us a call. We can answer any questions you may have and would love to help you protect your family. We sell all types of storm shelters. From our most poplar seller, the underground garage model, to above ground safe rooms, and outdoor storm cellars, F5 Storm Shelters has you covered. With locations in both Tulsa and Oklahoma City, we can get anywhere in the state easily. Call us today! Stay Alive, Call F5!



Storm Shelters, Tornado Shelters, Safe Rooms

Tulsa – (918) 970-4770
Oklahoma City – (405) 824-7209


Top 10 Tornado Cities

Top 10 Tornado Cities

We recently discovered a poll on weather.com of the top 10 cities most frequently hit by tornadoes. As you would probably expect, the state of Oklahoma was well represented in the poll.


Tulsa ranked number 6 in the poll. “Tulsa, like Oklahoma City, is in the heart of what was once considered the traditional “Tornado Alley.” Tulsa lies at the crossroads of the Great Plains and the Ozark Mountains so it is a prime area for storm chasers as they follow tornadoes across the flat topography of central Oklahoma.”

Tulsa Co. Tornado History

  • Total Track (1962-2011):  828/sq. mi.**
  • Busiest Month (1950-2012):  May with 19 average tornadoes
  • EF-2 Tornado Hit Tulsa in 2010 and 2013


Following Tulsa, Oklahoma City came in number 7 on the list.

Oklahoma City Tornado History

  • Total Track (1962-2011): 806.2/sq. mi.**
  • 2.3 tornadoes each year/1,000 sq. mi.
  • Oklahoma County has been 101 times since 1950


The good news for Oklahomans is we have showrooms in both Tulsa and Oklahoma City.  Come by and see us!






Storm Shelters, Tornado Shelters, Safe Rooms

Tulsa – (918) 970-4770
Oklahoma City – (405) 824-7209
