Storm Shelter Rebate Programs

Storm Shelter Rebate Programs

If you have been thinking about purchasing a storm shelter, but have been putting it off over the years, now may be the perfect time. There are multiple cities around the state that are currently offering their residents the opportunity to register for an opportunity to win funding for any storm shelter or safe room purchase. If you live in the following city then the timing may be right to go ahead and get that underground garage storm shelter you have been dreaming about.

Stillwater, Oklahoma. Stillwater residents, you still have a few more days to register for a chance to win a grant to pay for up to $2,000 towards a storm shelter purchase. Applications have to be turned in by Friday, August 29th. Follow the link to apply!

Midwest City, Oklahoma. The City of Midwest City just announced that they are releasing over 200 shelter grants!

Newcastle, Oklahoma. The City of Newcastle has kicked off their storm shelter rebate program. Newcastle residents can apply at 120 NE 2nd Street in Newcastle. Applicants will be entered into a data base and 92 homeowners will be selected by random drawing to win $2,500 toward their storm shelter purchase. Residents have until August 29th to apply.

We are always looking for cities offering these rebate programs. If we find anymore, we will create a new blog or post them to our facebook page. Here is a link to our page. You can ‘like’ it so that you receive any important information regarding rebates and other issues on a much faster basis.

If you live in Stillwater and have questions, please call our Tulsa store. (918) 970-4770. Midwest City and Newcastle residents needing information can call our Oklahoma City store. The number there is (405) 824-7209. We are currently offering our end our summer sales rates, so call us now!



Storm Shelters, Tornado Shelters, Safe Rooms

Tulsa – (918) 970-4770
Oklahoma City – (405) 824-7209

Items you need to store inside your storm shelter

Items you need to store inside your storm shelter

Here at F5 Storm Shelters, we try to do a good job of advising all of our customers what they need to collect to keep inside of their storm shelter. In case a tornado strikes your area, you could potentially be inside your shelter for a few hours, so you need to make sure that you have everything you could possibly need to get by during that time. We thought it would be a good idea to make a list of some of the more important items you need to make sure you have inside your storm shelter right now.


1. Water –  This is pretty self explanatory. Being in a shelter in May for multiple hours can get pretty hot. Bring plenty of water to cool down and stay hydrated.

2. Come Along Jack – We supply every shelter we sell with a 2 ton come along jack. When hooked up inside the storm shelter, this jack will help pull the lid open in case there is debris on top of it. This limits you from being trapped. Each jack has a pulling power of 4,000 lbs. Make sure the jack is stored in your shelter at all times.

3.  Air horn – This item was brought to our attention by a few firemen we recently did installs for. If there are heavy objects covering the lid limiting you from getting out, first responders will be in the area shortly and will be looking for people with registered storm shelters. Sounding an air horn makes you easier to locate.

4. Food – Again, pretty self explanatory. Take down non perishable food items just in case you get hungry. Side note, make sure to take down a can opener for some of those non perishable food item 🙂

5. Battery powered weather radio – F5 Storm Shelters advises all of our customers to plan like you are not going to have power when using your tornado shelter. Get a weather radio so you can track where the storm is and get updated information on when it is safe to come up.

6. Flash Light –  make sure to have extra batteries.

7. 5 Gallon Bucket – first, this is a great item to store all your safety items in. Second, if somebody needs to use the bathroom or gets sick, this is your solution.



Storm Shelters, Tornado Shelters, Safe Rooms

Tulsa – (918) 970-4770
Oklahoma City – (405) 824-7209

Placement of Storm Shelter in Your Garage

Placement of Storm Shelter in Your Garage

Here at F5 Storm Shelters, we get asked all the time about where we install our shelters in the garage and why we use that location. When installing an underground garage storm shelter in a customers garage floor, our installers our instructed to install the shelter about 1 ft in from the garage door. We also choose to come about 2.5-3ft in from the exterior wall. The main reason we choose to start the install so close to the garage door is so that the customer can use their storm shelter easier. Most peoples garages are a little over 20 inches deep. By putting the shelter so close to the garage door, it allows most people the ability to pull their vehicle up far enough so that they can get inside the tornado shelter without having to back their car out of the garage. The last thing that you would want to happen during a storm is to back your car out of the garage in order to get inside the storm shelter, a tornado never comes, it starts hailing and then you are out of pocket $500-$100 for your car deductible.


We bring the shelter 2.5 ft in from the exterior wall so that the shelter is centered on whatever bay you choose to place it. All the lids on every size shelter we sell are 3 ft wide. This limits you from having to drive over the lids on a daily basis. We strongly recommend that every customer should try to avoid driving over the actual lids. They are equipt to handle such impact, but we don’t think it is a good decision long term. Over the years, wear and tear could cause the lid to dent in, making it hard to open the front lid.

Putting the shelter so close to the garage door also makes it easier for our installers to install the storm shelter. For the customer, this means we are less likely to ding your property with our equipment.


If you have any questions about our storm shelters, please don’t hesitate to call us. Call (405) 824-7209 if you are in the OKC metro, or call (918) 970-4770 if you are in Tulsa. You can also find more info on our website at



Storm Shelters, Tornado Shelters, Safe Rooms

Tulsa – (918) 970-4770
Oklahoma City – (405) 824-7209

F5 Storm Shelters to open showroom in Tulsa

F5 Storm Shelters to open showroom in Tulsa

After primarily servicing the OKC metro area for the last 4-5 years, we are very excited to announce that we will be expanding and opening a store in Tulsa on June 2nd. Our showroom there is going to be located at 10846 S. Memorial Drive (111th & S. Memorial).

We are now booking jobs in June and anybody that gets scheduled by June 30th will be eligible for a ‘Grand Opening’ discount. Call us for more information at (918) 970-4770 or toll free at 1(855) F5-ALIVE.



Storm Shelters, Tornado Shelters, Safe Rooms

Tulsa – (918) 970-4770
Oklahoma City – (405) 824-7209