by Blake Lee | Apr 10, 2019 | News
At the beginning of March The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) awarded a grant worth $328,000 to the City of Broken Arrow. These funds will offset the cost of installing storm shelters for up to 164 homeowners. If you live in Broken Arrow and have been thinking about purchasing a storm shelter, this rebate will make that goal much easier. The program allows homeowners who would like to install a safe room the chance to earn a rebate of up to $2,000. Qualifying residents must own their own home, live in the city limits and not be located in a flood zone.
In order to have been applicable for funding, you must have attended a meeting back in October and have turned in an application. Funding is currently being distributed to applicants who were approved at that meeting. However, there is hope that another round of funding will be available from FEMA in the near future, so that more homeowners can apply for a storm shelter. grant in the future. If you are a homeowner in Broken Arrow that did not receive funding, you should contact the city for more information and details on what you can do to become applicable for the next round of funding.

by Blake Lee | Jan 23, 2018 | FAQ
The Sooner Safe Rebate Program is a great opportunity offered to all Oklahoma residents. For people who may not be familiar with the program, it is basically a lottery that is done each year throughout the state. The winners receive a voucher that will cover 75% of any storm shelter purchase with a $2000 max. Basically, it’s free money to help local families afford a storm shelter.
In order to qualify for the program, all you have to do is enroll on the website. Once you are registered, you are in the lottery for life. IF you don’t win your first year of registration, you are automatically registered in the following years lottery. The program will use a random selection process to select names so that everyone who registers will have an equal chance to be selected. For that reason, the order of registration does not improve the odds of being selected. It is also important to know that only one person may register per physical home address.
If you are selected as a winner under this program, they give you 30 days to let them know whether or not you want to accept the rebate. If the timing is bad, you can select to decline the rebate and still be applicable for future selections. If you chose to accept the rebate, then you can select a company to install the storm shelter for you. All of our shelters at F5 qualify for the Sooner Safe Rebate Program. All of our products meet FEMA publications 320, FEMA 361, and ICC 500. WE have installed thousands of shelters for Sooner Safe winners over the last 7-8 years all over the state.
Additional eligibility rules are as follows:
To be eligible, the safe room must be installed at primary residences and must be installed on property owned by the applicant.
Apartment complexes, duplexes, and other multi-family residences are not eligible for this rebate, as they are considered businesses. This safe room rebate program is for single-family homes only.
If you own two or more homes, you may only register for a safe room rebate for your primary residence.
Community or neighborhood safe rooms are not eligible for this rebate.
If you live in a mobile home, you must own both the mobile home itself and the land it is located on to be eligible for the rebate.
If you live in a rented house you are not eligible for this rebate. Only single-family residential homeowners are eligible to receive the rebate for their primary residence.
If you have already installed a safe room, are having it installed now, or are planning to have it installed at any time prior to receiving notification that you have been selected as a Sooner Safe rebate recipient, that safe room is not eligible for this rebate. Previously installed safe rooms are not eligible.
Retrofitting or repairing an existing storm shelter to meet FEMA specifications does not qualify. However, you may be eligible for a new safe room.
You may not build or install the safe room yourself.
If the safe room you choose to have installed is not a pre-fabricated or manufactured design, you or your contractor may be required to submit additional documentation to verify the safe room meets all federal regulations associated with this program.
If your home is in a floodplain and you have flood insurance, you may be eligible for the rebate. You would not be eligible for a below ground safe room, but you may be eligible for an above ground safe room. However, other agencies will have to approve your specific situation. You may be required to provide more information.
If you live on historic property, or in a historic district you may be eligible for the rebate. However, other agencies will have to approve your specific situation. You may be required to provide more information.
If your home was destroyed in a tornado and you plan to rebuild your home in a different location than your previous home you are eligible for this rebate, as long as you are building in Oklahoma and it is your primary residence. However, you must contact the Sooner Safe team to verify the correct address has been submitted for review.
If your home was destroyed in Oklahoma and you are rebuilding your home out of state you are not eligible for this rebate. The safe room must be built in Oklahoma.
You must pay the total invoice for the safe room and installation in order to receive the rebate, as well as provide copies of the cleared check or credit card statement.
Safe room lease agreements are not eligible.
These Rules and Regulations apply to the Sooner Safe program only. Local city or county safe room rebate programs will have their own individual guidelines and you must contact them for further information.
If you have recently won funding through the Sooner Safe Program, call us today and we can go over all the types of shelters, safe rooms, and outdoor cellars we offer. WE would love to hel your family stay safe this storm season.
F5 Storm Shelters OKC (405) 824-7209
Tulsa (918) 970-4770 Stay Alive, Call F5!

by Blake Lee | Jan 15, 2018 | Storm Preparedness
Storm season is right around the corner which means many people are in the market for a new storm shelter for their home. We know that figuring out what type of shelter you need can be a difficult process so our team at F5 Storm Shelters is here to help. If you live anywhere around the Oklahoma city or Tulsa metro areas, you can call us an we will send a sales associate out to your house to go over all your options. WE have over 8 years experience in this business so we can help you decide what is the best type of shelter for your personal situation.
Our most common products that we sell are the underground garage models. While we are there, we can show you exactly where the shelter will be placed in the garage and go over with you how much space we will need cleared back in order to do the installation.
If you are thinking an above ground safe room may be more preferable, we can measure out areas in the garage that will fit our most popular size models. If nothing fits, we can measure out a custom size that will fit perfectly in the space you have. There is no extra charge to custom build a safe room. Just let us figure out the dimensions that will fit your space.
Lastly, if you are wanting a product outdoors in your yard, one of our sloped top cellars may be the perfect fit. WE can measure exactly how much access you have to your backyard and tell you whether or not you are a candidate for this type of installation. No guessing, you will know everything you need to know in order to go forward with a shelter installation that day. The best part about all of this is that it’s free! Just call or email us today and we can schedule a time around your convenience to meet with you and go over all your options and pricing. Storm season is almost here. Don’t be on a waiting list when it arrives. Call us today and set up your free in home consultation!
F5 Storm Shelters OKC (405) 824-7209
Tulsa (918) 970-4770 Stay Alive, Call F5!

by Blake Lee | Jan 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
At F5 Storm Shelters, we have seen garage flat storm shelters surge in
popularity for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, they offer the
convenience of not having to run into a storm during foul-weather. The
last thing people want to do is run into a driving rain storm as tornado
sirens are going off.
Most neighborhoods and HOA’s now ban the use of outdoor concrete
storm cellars in front yards. Many times, with limited access, front yard
placement is the only viable option for these large outdoor concrete
cellars. With HOA’s restricting them the options narrow down to garage
floor models, or above ground steel safe rooms that also go in the
Garage tornado shelters that are virtually flush to the concrete don’t
take up valuable room like their counterpart steel safe rooms. For those
with limited garage space, this allows people to drive into their garage
with their vehicles and still access their storm shelter.
These garage models also allow the homeowner to bug spray and keep
pests to a minimum. Also, since these shelters are protected from the
elements, they carry a lifetime warranty to the original purchaser.
Whereas, the traditional concrete cellars only offer a 10 year warranty
to the original purchaser. For these reasons, many homeowners are
now choosing the garage flush model to protect their family. However,
like most products in life, we carry a variety of storm shelter products
to fit every situation.
Come see us at our Tulsa Store location at 10846 S Memorial Drive
Suite #112 Tulsa, OK 74133. Or come visit us at our Oklahoma City
location at 16524 N Pennsylvania Edmond OK 73012.

Storm shelter installed in back of garage
by Blake Lee | Jan 13, 2016 | News
To any citizens of Ottawa County, The Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management was awarded a $235,625 grant from FEMA, which will help cover the cost to build up to 115 individual safe rooms / storm shelters for your residents. Through this individual Safe Room Rebate Program, homeowners have the opportunity of purchasing a FEMA approved safe room / storm shelter for their property and be reimbursed for it. In order to qualify for the program, applicants must own their own home and a flood survey must show that they are not inside of a flood plain. Storm shelters cannot be built in a flood zone due to hazard issues. Residents who are granted the rebate have three years to build a safe room in order to be reimbursed by FEMA. Qualified residents who applied may be reimbursed up to 75 percent of the cost of installing the shelter, or a maximum price up to $2,000. The remaining 25 percent will be the responsibility of the homeowner. The Homeowner has the choice of installing an underground storm shelter or an above ground safe room. Anyone wishing to be reimbursed for their shelter must be approved and funded before installing a safe room / storm shelter, otherwise they will not be reimbursed. The rebate program is open to every individual household in the county, excluding households within Miami city limits, due to recent grants awarded in the area. The city of Miami was already granted twice through this rebate program, this one is for everyone in the county outside of Miami city limits.
Congratulations to everybody that has received funding from this program. If you have any questions about storm shelters, you can call our Tulsa location and they can assist you. We would love to help your family stay safe from Oklahoma’s severe weather. Stay Alive, Call F5!
F5 Storm Shelters of Tulsa
10846 S. Memorial Dr. #112
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133
(918) 970-4770]

F5 Storm Shelters Oklahoma